Domen Dolar Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije (ZPIZ)

Domen Dolar is the head of applied development at the Institute for Pension and Disability Insurance of Slovenia. He has extensive experience in the development and maintenance of complex business software solutions in various technologies (over 20 years). His tasks mostly relate to development software, taking care of the development methodology, its implementation in development tools (special development virtual environment) and everything that affects it. As a mentor, manager of major development projects (eZPIZ, EESSI, etc.) and minor projects (DevOps, SDG...), key planner and implementer, he takes care of optimization of development in all processes, including those affecting system services. He still has a strong interest in software research and development and regularly tries and tests new platforms and tools. He has been programming since he got his first computer. He gave his first lecture at the then SIOUG (Slovenian Oracle user group) in 2000 as a student in the computer science laboratory of the Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics. Before coming to ZPIZ, he worked in the economy for more than 10 years.


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The conference is organized by the Croatian Association of Oracle users. More about the association can be found at

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