Roel Hartman APEX Consulting

Oracle ACE Director

Roel started a long time ago using Oracle RDBMS 5, Oracle Forms 2.3, RPT/RPF and Oracle*Case 4.5. Since over 10 years he focuses mainly on Oracle Application Express.Roel has been a speaker on UKOUG, OOW, Collaborate, ODTUG's Kscope and a number of local Oracle User Groups. Within ODTUG he acted as the APEX Content Lead for the Kscope14 and KScope15 conferences and currently is a member of the Board of Directors. He keeps an (APEX-related) blog on In June 2009 Roel received an Oracle ACE award and in August 2010 he's appointed as Oracle ACE Director. Roel is a co-writer of the "Expert Oracle Application Express" and "Oracle Application Express for Mobile Web Applications" books.Roel is Director at APEX Consulting in The Netherlands.


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