Razvoj i Middleware
četvrtak, 19. listopad 2023., 15:00
Dvorana A
Recently a book was published by Apress, Modern Oracle Database Programming. Of course SQL and PL/SQL play a crucial role, but also Formula One data does.In this session you have a chance to win a copy of this book, all you have to do is win the Quiz. Yes, there will be SQL and PL/SQL questions but there will also be the occasional F1 trivia interspersed.Come and join the fun, learn something new about SQL, PL/SQL and F1 and maybe leave with a book… Just like in Formula One: Play fair. If you have read this abstract, come and tell us the secret phrase “There were three Estebans in F1 to date” before the session for extra points.
Konferenciju organizira Hrvatska udruga Oracle korisnika. Više o udruzi možete saznati na Hroug.hr.